Educating not Discriminating
Dog Legislation Education (DLE) is for anyone on either side of the Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) fence. I wanted to provide a place where you can ask questions that otherwise might spark debate. This is not meant to be a place to argue the issues, but to help people understand why dogs bite, who's really responsible, and what types of legislation have proven successful in protecting the public and punishing human offenders. Anyone commenting on the blog will be removed from the group for being insensitive. My main focus will be for citizens of Springfield, Mo as the Animal Issues Task Force (AITF) has proposed new legislation, policies, programs to City Council. Because these proposals could help improve the safety of citizens anywhere, the blog is open to anyone.
The Root of Fear is Ignorance.
The one thing I have learned over the years, is that most people who have a problem with a specific breed of dog either had one bad experience or heard bad stuff on the news. Humans are allowed to be afraid...I'm afraid of spiders, hopefully no one faults me for that! What I hope to accomplish with this blog is to help Pit Bull and other Power Breed owners to understand that some people don't know any better than to be afraid. As dog owners we have to take our time and show the public that no one breed stands alone with behavioral issues. I hope to not only educate people who don't know the blessings our dogs bring, but also help educate people who may not know what is appropriate behavior for them and their dog. Though I don't believe Breed Specific Legislation is effective in educating the public, I do believe Potentially Dangerous Dog, Dangerous Dog, and Irresponsible Owner Legislation can not only educate, but improve public safety as well.
Please enjoy the blog, sign up for email updates, keep your filters on when commenting, and hopefully learn something new today.
To ask questions anonymously email at

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Interesting Read from Best Friends Animal Society

The American Pit Bull Registry (APBR) notes: “The odds of being struck by lightning are 1 in 600,000 in the USA.Comparatively speaking you are 6 times more likely to be struck by lightning than you are to be killed by a dog of any breed. When you further break down the odds of being attacked and killed by a PitBull the odds are in your favor– approximately 1 in 145,000,000.”


  1. I think the important thing for all breed owners is that, unfortunately, dog bites will happen. Whether or not they happen with your dog or not is really an unforeseen variable throughout the lifetime of the dog. Another important factor about dog bites that should be considered is the number of bites that occur when children are involved versus adults. It's plastered all over the news about pit bull or pit bull type breeds when they bite, but what about every other breed? They ALL have the capability to bite anyone of any age; there is not just one breed that has teeth. Education about the prevention of dog bites needs to also be at the forefront of passing any laws pertaining to dangerous and vicious dogs. And breed specific laws seemingly create an unnecessary elephant in the room for people who own those breeds. The ignorance of others about dog breeds is what has gotten Springfield to where they are today I feel.

    The most imperative thing for everyone to remember is to not get themselves worked up over the ignorant and uneducated opinions of others. Engage in a healthy conversation with someone who doesn't like your breed for whatever reason: find out why. Did they possibly have a negative experience when they were a child? Are they basing their opinion off everything they hear in the news? I think the more time you take to understand someone's mindset the more likely you are to be in a place to offer what you know and why you feel the way you do without getting defensive and blowing up in their face. This will just leave a bad taste in their mouth of a "reason" why they continue to dislike certain breeds. Being polite and calm can really go a long way in instances like these.

    Lastly, everyone has to remember that change does not happen over night. It's a process and the process takes time to be perfected.

    Not biting peoples' heads off (no pun intended!) about the issue, be the bigger person and prove that it's not the breed or breeds, it truly is the owner.

  2. Exactly, one question I get asked a lot is... which dogs don't bite? My answer is none. As long as they have teeth they can bite. Dogs can even bite when they have no teeth. I have been bruised by a pug w 6 teeth, and a tooth didn't even touch me.Lol
