Educating not Discriminating
Dog Legislation Education (DLE) is for anyone on either side of the Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) fence. I wanted to provide a place where you can ask questions that otherwise might spark debate. This is not meant to be a place to argue the issues, but to help people understand why dogs bite, who's really responsible, and what types of legislation have proven successful in protecting the public and punishing human offenders. Anyone commenting on the blog will be removed from the group for being insensitive. My main focus will be for citizens of Springfield, Mo as the Animal Issues Task Force (AITF) has proposed new legislation, policies, programs to City Council. Because these proposals could help improve the safety of citizens anywhere, the blog is open to anyone.
The Root of Fear is Ignorance.
The one thing I have learned over the years, is that most people who have a problem with a specific breed of dog either had one bad experience or heard bad stuff on the news. Humans are allowed to be afraid...I'm afraid of spiders, hopefully no one faults me for that! What I hope to accomplish with this blog is to help Pit Bull and other Power Breed owners to understand that some people don't know any better than to be afraid. As dog owners we have to take our time and show the public that no one breed stands alone with behavioral issues. I hope to not only educate people who don't know the blessings our dogs bring, but also help educate people who may not know what is appropriate behavior for them and their dog. Though I don't believe Breed Specific Legislation is effective in educating the public, I do believe Potentially Dangerous Dog, Dangerous Dog, and Irresponsible Owner Legislation can not only educate, but improve public safety as well.
Please enjoy the blog, sign up for email updates, keep your filters on when commenting, and hopefully learn something new today.
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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A Must Read!!!

I'm going to leave this blog pretty plain and simple...The National Canine Research Council had a great blog post this week that is extremely important. There IS documented proof that BSL is not effective and dangerous dog laws are. The link is below.

The NCRC is also offering this free download that every dog owner and concerned citizen should read. Here's a small piece of the newly revised "Dog Bites: Problems and Solutions".

"Many “dangerous dog” laws try not only to control dogs who have 
already injured people, but to predict which ones will do so in the 
future and attempt to prevent this. Typical legal descriptions of dog 
behavior include “approaches in a vicious or terrorizing manner,” or 
“in a menacing fashion,” or having “a known disposition, tendency, 
or propensity to attack,” or “engages in any behavior that requires a 
defensive action by any person to prevent bodily injury.” 80,81 Aside 
from the subjectivity of these descriptions, the main difficulty with 
such an approach is that the best research to date indicates the 
likelihood that a majority of dogs engage in threatening behavior, but 
that few among these bite, and far fewer actually injure when they 
One groundbreaking study found that 41 percent of the dogs studied 
had growled, snarled or snapped at a familiar person at some time in 
the dog’s life. A smaller proportion of all the dogs, 15 percent, had 
actually bitten.82 Of those who had bitten, fewer than 10 percent of 
the bites had injured.83 This means that a net cast to identify the 1.5 
percent of dogs who will injure based on whether they had growled, 
snarled, snapped or lunged would actually capture at least 41 percent 
of the dog population. In other words, at least 93 percent of the dogs 
identified in this way as “dangerous” would never actually injure 
anyone. And since these studies only included behavior toward family 
members and other people well known to the dog, and only included 
guardians responsible and caring enough to provide veterinary care 
for their pets, the percentages of dogs that growl, snarl and snap 16
Animals and Society Institute: Dog Bites: Problems and Solutions (Revised 2014)
within the entire dog population must certainly be considerably higher. 
Simply put, growling, snarling and snapping at humans is normal 
among domestic dogs. Biting is common; inflicting injurious bites is 

Their findings about BSL are in Section 3.2.

Below is the link for the printable version of the free download...

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